Balancing Passion and Wisdom

Was talking to a colleague and the discussion went into the philosophical realm of how passion and wisdom, which seem to be in relative abundance in comparison of one over the other, in different stages of one’s life, can be balanced. Passion seems to be predominant at younger ages and wisdom a privilege of the older.

So how do the passionate ones acquire wisdom and the wise ones remain passionate?

After several deliberations, here is what seems to be a direction of thought. The passionate young need experience to drive wisdom. So how do you get wisdom faster than you are progressing towards it in the river of time? One way is to pack 3-4 lives every single day. So practically one is living not only his or her day but the day of those 3-4 people who one relates to. This means be genuinely interested and be a part of some 3-4 people’s lives and live their situations through empathy. Be it family members, friends, parents, colleagues. This will accelerate the number of situations one has gone through and add to the experience and wisdom

So what shall the wise do to get passion?

Passion is cultivated over a lifetime. Having a hobby or getting absorbed completely in one’s work seems to be the direction of the answer in this case. Cultivate your passionate interest early in life. The momentum generated will continue for a long time as the years pass by and keep one in good stead of passion.










Published by davessar

Currently I am the Global Head of External Communications at HCL Technologies

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